Sunday, November 14, 2010

On-Line Shopping

Ask anyone I love to shop and especially on-line- just ask my UPS driver. However, I've noticed a lot more pitfalls lately to the on-line shopping experience. Free shipping is hard to come by unless you are will to spend $99 or more. It used to be $50, which was easy to do. Discounts are often limited and can't be applied to many name brand items. Then there is the return policy. I just recently experienced this with GAP. You have a 45 day window of opportunity to return/exchange your items. I of course missed that window. The sales girls told me to call customer service, make up a story, shed a few tears and hope they will take my item back. I did call customer service, no tears necessary. I told the guy- my shipping receipt says nothing about a grace period for returns. He happily agreed to take back my item- minus the $6 shipping/processing fee. So lesson learned for $6... return items on-time and read return policies before you buy. I would have rather returned the item to the store, but in the long run I am probably saving money. They will credit my card and I won't be at the mall attempted to make an impulse purchase. So, how much on-line shopping do you do- share your tips and tricks.


Steph said...

My problem is that I don't usually have the patience to wait for what I ordered. We do use Amazon a lot though they have great service and free shipping on most things.

Tracy said...

Honestly I have never shopped on-line. Crazy I know. But I am a cash on hand type of girl.
Plus living in Canada most of the purchases would have to come over the border and I'd have to pay duty on it.
Not worth the hassle for me

Jenny Mick said...

I really only shop on Amazon, not usually from individual stores. The only things I've had to return have been items that were broken/not working so I haven't had to deal much with the return policies.