Thursday, September 27, 2007

Scrap Plans

How often do you scrap? Do you plan way ahead or do you just scrap on the spur of the moment? For me, I have to plan it all out. I find that I scrap more when I have friends over, or if I go to a crop. Last weekend I helped to host our school Crp Fundraiser at The Scrappery. It was a perfect day to scrap- cold and rainy. I finally used my new circle curvy cutter, I used paint and stamps. This was all waaay out of my box. I have my friend Joy to thank for this. Her work is beautiful and inspiring.

Ok time to get back to Gray's Anatomy.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Present

My class was so sweet, they even gave me a present. I now have a sore throat, stuffy nose and a stomach ache. I have to say however, it isn't as good as the present my class two years ago gave me. They gave me pink eye.

It is that time of year when the kids are together sharing their germs, then bringing them home to share with their family. I was my hands all the time. I won't use pencils, that the kids use and I disinfect the table and desk, but I still manage to get sick a few times a year.

In honor of me not feeling well and my husband who never expects a gourmet meal, we're having Costco's Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Yum-Yum.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Baby

Well, we got a new puppy last Sunday. He is a rescue mut from the shelter. He is also the cutest puppy I've ever seen. We have named him Nikko. My son wanted to call him Steve

"Have you seen Steve?"

"Steve who?"

"Steve, the dog"

He thought this would be very funny. DH liked it too, but DD kept calling him Nikko, and it stuck.

It is like having a newborn baby. He cried all night long the first night. DH even brought him to bed at one point. Now, he is sleeping through the night, except for the occasional, I can't hold my bladder, so let me out. Today he will visit the vet and get his shots, then he can go for walks and be around other dogs.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Weekends are never long enough. Even the 3-day weekend just isn't enough time. Saturdays seem to fly by, then Sunday comes along and all I can think about is how much stuff I need to get done, to get me through the week.

Today for example, we had a soccer game in the morning, then the family all needed haircuts, so now it is 2:00 PM. I then needed to make a quick trip to walmart for a birthday card and gift. After that we stopped at the animal shelter to look for a puppy. One more stop at Safeway before we headed to the birthday party.

It is now 9:30 at night and here I sit with 5 loads of laundry waiting to be done, a pile of papers that need correcting and a to-do list a mile long. Sunday is supposed to be the day of rest, rest for who I ask, not for me. So, for those of you lucky enough to be able to rest on Sunday, let me know how it feels.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Blog, Blog, Blog

This new blog is all Brenda's fault. While poking around blogs listed on the Scrappery site, I found a link on Brenda's blog leading to my Tales of a 3rd Grade Teacher. I Realizing I hadn't updated it in ages, I tried to log in...long story short... I had to create a new blog because it has been so long since I posted that I can't log into my old blog.

Life is good. School has started again. My baby is now a freshman and my little boy- is a 6th grader with hair as long as mine.