Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Last weekend my family went camping. As a kid we would go and all I remember is how cold it was and how away from civilation it seemed to be. I also seem to remember a smelly outhouse. So, camping to me isn't all that thrilling, but I know my DH and my DS love it. I prefer KOA campgrounds, they at least have clean restrooms, hot showers and a pool. So Sunday morning after being there two nights, I lay on my cot thinking of the pros and cons to camping.

PRO: Start with these first, trying to be positive...
fresh air
family time
swimming pool
excuse to each junk food
getting kids away from phones, tv and computers
beautiful redwoods

Mosquitios- my blood must be like liquor to them- they just couldn't get enough
sleeping on a cot
cooking on small stove
noisy campers
having to walk to the retroom at 3:00 AM
roosters at 4:00 AM
sunrise at 5:30
hot, hot, hot
public restrooms
cold during the night
have to pitch all the tents in the hard, hard ground
washing dishes at a spicket in cold water
instant coffee

Are you seeing where I'm going with this? It seems that the cons out weigh the pros, but yet we go camping anyway. For some reason even my DD has decided she likes camping. For a 14 year old girl to like it, and to like it so much that she wants to have her 15th birthday party be a weekend of camping, I just must be missing something here.

I did manage to bring home several souvineers- I have a least 8 mosquito bites that itch like crazy. So, help me out what am I missing here.

1 comment:

jillconyers said...

Your post made me laugh. I'm not a big "roughing it" kind of camper either. Atleast give me a cabin and a clean shower!

But, I go because ds and dh love it :)